

Java Lectures from Week 01 to 16

Welcome to our platform! Here, we proudly present every lecture by the esteemed Sir Saif, providing you with a comprehensive Java learning experience. Additionally, we regularly upload practice sets designed to enhance your coding proficiency, ensuring you grasp the concepts thoroughly. Sir Saif's expertise and teaching style are tailored to help you master Java programming efficiently and effectively. By following this website, you'll have exclusive access to a wealth of knowledge, equipping you with the skills needed to excel in the world of Java development. Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your Java knowledge, you're in the right place. Sir Saif's lectures cover a wide range of topics, from fundamentals to advanced techniques In Sha Allah. Join our community of eager learners and take your coding skills to new heights. Stay updated with the latest uploads and be part of the thriving Java programming community. We believe that practice makes perfect. That's why we provide a series of carefully crafted practice sets to help solidify your understanding and boost your confidence.


1.Week 01

Day 01  25-09-2023:
 01:    Hello World (Code)
02:    Print new line (Code)
03:    Sum of 2 int values (Code)  

Day 02  26-09-2023:
01:    Input Value using JOption (Code)
02:   If Else Statement in Java (Code)
03:    Switch Statement (home task by sir) (Code)
04:    For Loop (Code)
05:    While, Do While loop (home task by sir) (Code)

Day 03  28-09-2023:
01:    Parameter with Terminal(cmd) (Code)
02:   Input using Scanner Lib. (Code)
03:   Factorial (home task by sir) (Code)